Behavioral Science Technologies

Industry: Educational software

Behavioral Science Technologies (BST) creates web-based programs to change behaviors in students related to critical social issues such as violence against women, substance abuse, and bullying.

The company’s initial product, RealConsent™, aims to reduce sexual assaults against women on college campuses. Users of RealConsent engage in gender-specific content that includes problem-solving scenarios, live-action serial dramas (related to real-life college student situations) and behavioral modeling of individual risk reduction behaviors. The program has been clinically tested and is ready for market entry.

The primary customers for RealConsent are Title IX Coordinators, who are responsible for ensuring that institutions comply with Title IX regulations, including sexual assault prevention. Under Title IX and the Campus SaVE Act, all incoming freshmen are required to undergo sexual violence prevention education. RealConsent offers several competitive advantages over similar products.

BST designs and develops other web-based programs that address critical social issues faced by students. Each program is supported by a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to ensure its effectiveness.

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