July 21, 2016

Metaclipse Therapeutics receives $2.4 million grant for breast cancer vaccine

By Ellie Hensley, Atlanta Business Chronicle

A team of Emory University and Atlanta-based Metaclipse Therapeutics Corp. researchers landed a $2.4 million grant from the National Institutes of Healthand National Cancer Institute.

The five-year grant will be used to develop new cancer vaccine immunotherapies for patients with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC).
TBNC is very hard to treat because it doesn't present any defined targets for drugs or vaccines to attack, and five-year survival rates are lower for it than other types of breast cancer. The disease is more common in young African-American women.

The researchers are developing a vaccine using tumor membrane vesicles derived from the patient's own tumor.

NIH previously gave Metaclipse a grant to study the vaccine technology in a mouse model of TNBC. It has also received grants from the Georgia Research Alliance Venture Lab program and the Coulter Foundation.

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