
Industry: Client management software for the criminal justice system

Established in 2014, Acivilate is a software-as-a-service company that built a platform called Pokket. Pokket is designed to help people who are returning to their communities after serving time in the correctional system. The software achieves this by sharing information safely and securely among returning citizens, caseworkers and supervisors, so that the people providing support services can stay up-to-date on their clients’ big pictures, while also preserving their privacy.

Pokket is mobile-friendly and easy to set up. It manages client data securely and confidentially. It also gives support services and volunteers the ability to interact personally with clients while protecting their own privacy.

By using a data-driven approach, Pokket also helps inform decisions of policy-makers and health and human service providers. The goal of Pokket is to improve outcomes for everyone involved in the criminal justice system — both as clients and as service providers — and to improve public safety by reducing rates of recidivism.

Company website: Acivilate

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