Emory Flow Cytometry Core
Emory University

Contact: Robert E. Karaffa, II
Phone: 404-712-4429

The Emory University School of Medicine Flow Cytometry Core (EFCC) provides state-of-the-art high-speed sorting, sample analysis and analyzer training facilities. Mission priority #1 is to provide the highest customer satisfaction to our clients. This Flow Cytometry Core Facility provides quantitative flow cytometric analyses on samples from a wide variety of biological matrices, e.g. blood, bone marrow, spleen, serum, plasma, solid tissues, cell extracts, etc., to support both clinical and basic research efforts on the campus and the surrounding area. EFCC contains two BD FACSAria II 5-laser, 17-color sorters each capable of sorting 4 populations at once.  In addition, both sorters can accommodate single- or multiple-cell deposition into culture plates. EFCC also houses one BD LSR II 18-color analyzer cytometer.

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