Integrated Electron Microscopy Core
Emory University

Contact: Puneet Juneja, PhD, Biochemistry Conductor
Phone: 404-727-8960

Cherry L. Emerson Site

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM):

JEOL 2200FS, 200 kV with in-column Omega filter.

  •  Accelerating voltage: 200 kV
  •  Field Emission TEM
  •  Gatan US1000 CCD camera
  •  Direct Electron Detector (DE-20) for high resolution imaging
  • Motorized goniometer allows +/- 80° sample tilting
  • Minimum Dose System (MDS) allows for imaging of beam-sensitive samples
  • SerialEM for semi-automated data acquisition

JEOL JEM-1400 120 kV LaB6 TEM with Gatan CCD cameras. Capable of all modes of TEM, including tomography of sectioned materials.

  • Accelerating voltages: 80 kV-120 kV
  • LaB6 filament
  • Gatan US1000 CCD camera
  • Motorized goniometer allows +/- 80° sample tilting
  • Minimum Dose System (MDS) allows for imaging of beam-sensitive samples
  • SerialEM for semi-automated data acquisition
  • Beam blocker for electron diffraction

Hitachi HT-7700 120 kV TEM with Tungsten filament and AMT CCD camera. Capable of all modes of TEM, including tomography and electron diffraction.

  • Accelerating voltages: 80 kV - 120 kV
  • Tungsten filament
  • AMT XR81-B-M1-BT-FXH7700 CCD camera
  • Motorized goniometer allows +/- 70° sample tilting
  • Low Dose System allows for imaging of beam-sensitive samples
  • SerialEM for semi-automated data acquisition
  • Beam blocker for electron diffraction

Holders for Cryo-EM image acquisition: 2 Gatan 626 holders for untilted data collection and 2 Gatan 914 holders for acquisition of tilt series.

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM):

Topcon DS-130F Field Emission SEM/STEM capable of in-lens and below-lens conventional SEM, and in-lens cryo-HRSEM.

Topcon DS-150F Field Emission SEM with BSE (back-scattered electron detection) and capable of in-lens and below-lens conventional SEM, and in-lens cryo-HRSEM.

  • Accelerating voltages: 0.5 kV - 30 kV
  • Schottky field emission sources
  • BSE and STEM systems
  • Gatan CT-3500 cold stage
  • In-lens and below-lens imaging system
  • Additional Equipment

Denton DV-602 Turbo Magnetron Sputter system with a chromium target for specimen coating and SEM data acquisition.

Denton Benchtop Turbo Carbon Evaporator for applying thin layers of carbon on surfaces, SEM samples, or specimen support grids.

Leica UC6 and Ultracut S Ultramicrotomes for room temperature ultrathin and semithin sectioning of resin-embedded samples.

RMC PowerTome PC Ultramicrotome for room temperature ultrathin and sectioning of resin-embedded samples.

BAL-TEC HPM 010 High Pressure Freezing machine for preparing frozen specimens including thick samples and monolayer cell cultures.

Leica UC6i/FC6 Cryo-Ultramicrotome for sectioning frozen samples.

Leica AFS cryo-substitution apparatus designed for -90C dehydration and fixation followed by gradual temperature increasing.

ThermoFisher Vitrobot for plunge freezing samples and cryo-electron microscopy image acquisition.

Imaging Data Processing and Analysis: 3 iMac workstations with Adobe, ImageJ, and IMOD software packages. Other image processing software packages installed as needed.

Biochemistry Connector Site
1. FEI Talos Arctica 200 KV (TEM) with BioQuantum/K2 direct electron detector (K3 upgrade) and Autoloder system. For cryo screening and high-resolution data collection.

2. FEI Talos 120 KV (TEM) with LaB6 and 4k Ceta detector for Negative stain screening and Cryo Screening.

Auxilary Instruments
1. CP3 Plunger- Gentle blot (Model 930), for cryo grid preparations.
2. Gatan 655 Dry Pumping Station for Cryo Holders (Gatan 70 Degree Cryo-transfer Holder) for cryo screening on Talos 120.
3. Denton Carbon Evaporator (Bench top turbo) for Carbon coating of grids.
4. Solarus Plasma Cleaning System (Model 950) for cleaning of grids and holder.
5. Pelco Easy glow, glow discharge.

Imaging Data Processing and Analysis:
1. Glacier (Computation Cluster: 2 GPU nodes and 4 CPU nodes) with all image processing softwares, such as Relion, CisTEM, EMAN2/sphire

More about this core facility at Emory University »


Additional contact: Ricardo Guerrero-Ferreira, PhD. at the Cherry Emerson Site. 

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