Flow Cytometry Shared Resource
Augusta University

Contact: Jeanene Pihkala, Director
Phone: 706-721-8880

This shared resource in the Georgia Cancer Center provides access to state-of-the-art flow cytometers, support equipment, and associated software and services.  

The core has a wide range of analytical flow instruments and also offers sorting of human and rodent cells. Our instrumentation affords the ability to perform almost every published flow cytometry protocol.

The Georgia Cancer Center Flow Cytometry Resource is equipped with 8 flow cytometers that are categorized into 3 types:

  • Analyzer flow cytometers that are typically operated by investigators themselves.
  • Cell sorter flow cytometers that are typically provided as a service to investigators.

In order to select the best fluorophores for use in a specific application on a particular flow cytometer, it is necessary to know the laser configuration of the cytometer and its optical configuration and detectors.

The lasers installed on the facility's cytometers are summarized in the following table. Each cytometer's configuration is detailed in the sections that follow. The facility is able to accommodate the majority of flow cytometry protocols.

Of the six bench-top analyzer flow cytometers in the lab, four are manufactured by BD Biosciences, they are a

  • 2-laser FACSCanto (running FACSDiva 8 Software)
  • a 2-laser FACSCalibur (running CellQuest Pro software) 
  • two LSR II SORP instruments (one 4-laser and one 5-laser running FACSDiva 8 Software).

We have a Beckman Coulter Life Sciences 2-laser 9-color CytoFLEX (running CytExpert Software), and our newest analyzer is Cytek Biosciences 5-Laser Aurora Spectral Cytometer. The spectrum of each cytometer is available on our website.

More about this core facility at Augusta University's website »

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The equipment inventory in the Georgia Cancer Center Flow Cytometry Shared Resource (click to enlarge)