Mechanical Properties Characterization Facility
Georgia Institute of Technology
Contact: Dr. Richard W. Neu
Phone: 404-894-3074
The Mechanical Properties Characterization Facility (MPCF) is the core facility for measurement of mechanical properties of engineering materials, primarily related to strength, deformation, fatigue and fracture.
Available to academic, industry, and government users, the MPCF has several servohydraulic test systems (e.g., MTS) with different load capacities, electromechanical test systems (e.g., Instrons), creep test systems, a pendulum impact tester, a drop weight impact tester, and a high temperature fretting and reciprocating sliding tester. Accessories available include environmental chambers, ovens, and furnaces for conducting tests at temperatures from -125°C to 1540°C in various environments, gripping and adapters for tension, compression, bending, etc., and several devices for measuring displacements (e.g., extensometers, digital image correlation tools, etc.). A dedicated research engineer provides support to users.
Due to the nature of mechanical property testing, costs are based on daily and weekly rates depending on the length of the project plus the time for staff either to train users who come to Georgia Tech to perform the tests themselves or to conduct the tests for the user. Georgia Research Alliance partners are charged the internal rates posted on the MPCF website plus any costs for materials and supplies for the test program.
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