Atlanta Translational Imaging Consortium
Georgia State University

Contact: Dr. Khan Hekmatyar, Senior MRI Research Scientist
Phone: 404-413-3597

Georgia State's state of art high resolution MRI system information:

  • 7T Bruker 70/20 Biospec 20 cm MRI for imaging mice and rats or phantoms, advanced MRI and MRS techniques available for non-invasive morphological, physiological, and biochemical, and spectroscopic measurements. The 7T magnet allows MRI and MRS tissue imaging at a high level of resolution (50 microns) and several images in a second (high temporal resolution).
  • ATIF facility has well equipped surgery area for preparing the animals and a wide variety of supporting equipments, i.e. anesthesia machines, MR compatible physiological monitors (cardiac /respiratory gating /temperature monitoring units) and heating pads.
  • Access for all users requires approval by ATIF operating committee. The approval process can be initiated by the submission of a project proposal to the ATIF contact provided on this website.

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The Atlanta Translational Imaging Consortium Facility is located in a secured area with 24/7 surveillance that requires prior approval to access. Visitors will need a photo ID to obtain a Guest Pass at the security desk in the building's lobby for temporary access to the facility.

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Advanced Translational Imaging Facility (ATIF) Petit Science Center, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA